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題名: 輔導中小學數理教師專業成長之遠距進修研究(I)
On Development and Dissemination of Distance Learning Courses for Both Elementary and Secondary Math and Science Teachers (I)
作者: 黃世傑;梁崇惠;陳錦章;江武雄;林振盛;王瑋龍;林素華;陳瓊森;王國華;邱守榕
貢獻者: 生物學系
關鍵詞: 遠距教育;網路教學;在職師資教育;教師專業成長;數理教師;九年一貫
Distance education;Web-based instruction;E-learning inservice education;Teacher professional development;Math and science teachers;K-9
日期: 2001
上傳時間: 2013-03-12T01:50:04Z
出版者: 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要: 提升數理科師資的素質,為邁向二十一世紀,各國努力的目標。因為,優良的數理教師會帶來優良的教學,而如此可確實培養中小學生的數學與科學素質。然而,欲達成這樣的目標,在師資教育的設計和實施上,需要師資教育機構,合作學校,及政府相關單位提供專業來密切配合。另外,這樣的師資教育必須包括在職數理教師的訓練,使他們的學科知識和教學知能可以改進,以提供卓越的數理教學。當前網路應用於遠距教學與輔導,正蓬勃發展。也正提供提升師資的素質的一個新契機。然而網路的功能雖然強大,在數理教師在職進修學習方面,如何發揮其功能,需透過進一步的研究來了解。本研究計劃目的是研擬有效的遠距教學策略及設計數理遠距教學課程可供實習教師、在職教師進修、及職前師資訓練之用,以及開發網路教學(e-learning)課程供進行數理教學之用。本研究計劃以行動研究的方式分三年進行:第一年研究主要工作為充實數理科遠距在職輔導系統架構及試行數理教師之遠距教學及輔導,並發展在職教師網路進階進修課程之設計。第二年研究主要工作為擴大研究對象(在職數理教師),利用行動的方式,輔導並評量其如何使用網路教學資源,發展學科教學知能,探討其發展有效教學之成效並試行在職教師網路進修計畫。第三年:建立有效輔導使用網路資源的模式,並舉辦研習會,推廣在職數理教師使用網路資源於實際教學中。本計劃在本年度研究成果包括:(1)建置二個研究推廣網站:(a) PCK-Eshool 網站(http://el.pckweb.net), (b) 9y-1E-L 網站http://www.9y-1.net),此網站內容包括CK資源區PK資源區 9Y-1 進階課程互動區相關網站 (2)開發可供職前訓練及在在職進修之進
階課程共八門。(3)發展九年一貫的教材分析之E-Learning 課程共計生物(30單元)理化(15 單元),數學與地科待建構中。(4)發展可供九年一貫國中一年級(自然與生活科技)的網路教學課程包括書局版(六單元)及資源庫(十八單元)。
Improving the quality of math and science teacher is a major effort of many countries around the world toward the twenty-first century. Qualified math and 2 science teachers have critical influence on the quality of math and science teaching and will ensure that their students in elementary and secondary are well prepared in math and science literate. The design and implementation of math and science teacher education program require university faculties, collaborative schools, and government working together, each providing their special expertise. In addition, new effective inservice programs should be created to help experienced teacher change their content of science and
pedagogy for excellence of math and science education. Current development of distance education through internet on teacher education becomes more promising. However, effectiveness and related factors for success of web-based distance education are still needed to explore.
The purpose of this project, based on our past research on preservice teacher’s education through internet, is to enhance middle school math and science teachers’ professional development through distance education on internet. Action research method will be employed to the study to explore the meaning beyond the teacher's action. The project will be implemented for three years. The first year will focus on
construction of web-based supporting system and development of distance education courses for participated math and science teachers. The objective of the second year will assess the effectiveness of the system on the teachers' professional development. In the last year, we will conduct a workshop applying our research results for other math and science teachers.
關聯: 國科會計畫, 計畫編號: NSC90-2511-S018-017; 研究期間: 9008-9107
顯示於類別:[生物學系] 國科會計畫


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