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題名: 國小資源班教師對電腦化IEP 系統使用滿意度之研究-以有愛無礙電腦化IEP 系統為例
Study on the User Satisfaction of a Computerized IEP System for Elementary Resource Room Teachers
作者: 張貽秀;孟瑛如;吳東光
貢獻者: 資訊管理學系
關鍵詞: 資源班;特殊教育;個別化教育計畫;電腦化IEP系統;使用滿意度;功能性;特教科技
Resources room;Special education;Individualized Educational Program IEP;Computerized IEP system;User satisfaction;IEP functionality;Special education technology
日期: 2007-12
上傳時間: 2013-04-22T07:38:21Z
出版者: 彰化師範大學特殊教育學系
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解國小資源班教師對電腦化IEP系統操作性與功能性之滿意情形,以自編之調查問卷,並輔以半結構式訪談進行調查研究。本研究以分層抽樣方式辦理北、中、南三區(每區兩場)研習,限定對象爲國小資源班教師,採自由報名的方式參加。總計發出問卷278份,有效問卷爲247份,可用率爲88.85%。本研究之主要結果如下:
三、國小資源班教師在電腦化IEP 系統各量表之滿意情形:
The major purposes of this research are to investigate the user satisfaction and IEP functionality of a computerized IEP system from the elementary resource room teachers’ perspectives. A self-compiled questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used to collect responses from stratified sampled elementary resource room teachers who adopted our self-designed Computerized IEP System and attended the training course of this system. There were totally 278 questionnaires sent out, and 247 valid questionnaires were collected. The main findings are summarized as follows:
1. As high as 85.8% of the elementary resource room teachers still design their IEPs using some kind of word processing software.
2. Abour 68.8% of the elementary resource room teachers are capable of learning how to use the Computerized IEP system in an hour, and 87.4% of the teachers can complete an IEP using the Computerized IEP system in two hours.
3. The analysis shows that there is statistical significance in term of system operation on seniority in regular education teaching, system usage experiences, school areas and time required to be familiar with the system. There is also statistical significance in term of IEP system functionality on seniority in teaching and system usage experiences.
4. On the three users and five functionality satisfaction dimensions:
A. There is statistical significance in term of "user satisfaction on system installation", "user satisfaction on system operation", and "user satisfaction on other perspectives" on school area.
B. There is no statistical significance in term of "system functionality on linking IEP objectives to regulations and general curriculum" on any variants. And there is statistical significance in terms of other items on variants.
關聯: 特殊教育學報, 26: 85-109
顯示於類別:[資訊管理學系所] 期刊論文


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