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題名: 大學物理實驗能力的基準與評量之研究(III)
Integrated Research on Standards and Assessment of Physics Laboratory Competency for University Level (III)
作者: 吳武雄;張惠博;吳仲卿
貢獻者: 物理學系
關鍵詞: 實驗內涵;實驗能力;實驗評量;基準
Nature of laboratory;Laboratory competency;Assessment Criteria
日期: 2000
上傳時間: 2014-08-06T05:03:00Z
摘要: 本研究是一個為期三年的整合型計畫。第一年已透過大慧調查法(Delphi Technique)建立各學科(普通物理、電磁學、熱物理、電子學及近代物理)的實驗內涵及其所應具備的基本能力。第二年的研究是根據前述的物理實驗內涵與基準,在實驗情境下,建立妥適的評量工具,俾能針對以後的學生的實驗能力進行評量。本(第三)年,則是針對所設計的評量工具進行試測及修正。在建立基準的過程中,曾邀請「物理研究者」、「物理教學者」與「科學教育研究者/工作者」參與表示意見。並根據統計結果與有關的意見彙整,建立各學科的實驗內涵與基準。此外,在建立各實驗內涵與基準當中,亦特別注意各不同學科的共同性、相異性,甚至是各學科的特殊性,以建立較完全的大學物理實驗內涵與基準的風貌。第二年的研究,主要是針對實際的實驗情境,並參酌國內外研究與教學的現況,及根據第一年所得的基準,建立合適的評量工具,例如:紙筆測驗、檢核表等方法,以評量學生的實際實驗能力。綜合而言,本(第三)年度的研究成果,計有:普通物理的二十三個實驗項目之實作與筆紙測量工具,近代物理則針對六項實驗所
This three-year study will be conducted from different subject matter sites including general physics, electromagnetism, thermal physics, electronics, and modern physics labs. The goal of this research study is to enhance university students' physics laboratory competency. In order to fulfil this goal, the major purposes of this study will be: (1) to define the nature and standards of physics laboratory competency among the various subject areas, which have been done in the first year by using a Delphi technique. (2) to set up criteria of assessing university students' laboratory competency in physics, and (3) to design a system of evaluating university students' physics laboratory competency. The major task of the third year is to establish the validity of several evaluation instruments within different areas of physics and revise the test items if necessary. In order
to assess undergraduate students' competencies in laboratory, pencil and paper instruments were unavoidably developed for general physics, electromagnetic, and thermal physics. However, it was agreed that the performance-based instruments were more realistic to assess students' ability in conducting laboratory investigations. Twenty-three lab topics were established in general physics laboratory. Nine basic lab skills have been carefully studied in six experiments in the modern physics laboratory. Three circuits were put on the world wide web to evaluate students in electronic laboratories. Approximate-practice assessments have been completed and tested in the electromagnetism laboratory, and nine problem sets were designed for the thermal physics laboratory. Finally, this research project will explore the essential physics laboratory content and improve the teaching methods and assessment tools for the university physics laboratories. The validity and effectiveness of these assessment tools
will be improved through a continuous process of evaluation and revision.
關聯: 國科會計畫, 計畫編號: NSC89-2511-S018-012; 研究期間: 8808-8907
顯示於類別:[物理學系] 國科會計畫


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