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題名: Eve and the Formation of Female Subjectivity: The Dialectics of Gender in Paradise Lost
作者: 儲湘君
貢獻者: 英語學系
關鍵詞: Subjectivity;Gender;Paradise Lost;Creation;Temptation;Fall
日期: 1999-06
上傳時間: 2012-04-26T09:10:26Z
出版者: 國立臺灣大學文學院
摘要: A central piece in the western literary canon, Paradise Lost is often considered a patriarchal text, advocating male domination and female submission. However, a reconsideration of this poem in relation to gender issues would indicate its implicit affinity with feminist thinking. I would argue that Milton's treatment of Eve vividly brings into focus the development and formation of a woman's subjectivity that is often neglected or denied within a patriarchal society. This paper attempts to approach the dialectics of gender embodied in the changing relation ship between Adam and Eve through a closer analysis of some crucial events such as the creation, the temptation and the fall, focusing especially on the constantly developing nature of Eve. Seen from this angle, the poem can be regarded as a record of the birth of female subjectivity. Moreover, Eve's feminine qualities, such as humility, patience and selfsacrifice, are closely connected to the Christian virtues Milton highly values. With these qualities, Eve is indeed a "fit help" or the "other self" of man. Man and woman can truly become "one flesh, one heart, one soul." This is a relation based on companionship rather than domination and submission.
<<失樂園>>作為西方文學中的經典之作殆無疑義,傳統批評常將其視為父權體制之文學代表,鼓吹男尊女卑的父權思想。然而進一步重新檢視詩中的性別議題時,卻可發現詩中隱而未見的女性主義思維。密爾頓所塑造的夏娃正好記錄了女性主體的形成與發展,但此女性主體常易淹沒於父權社會之汪洋而不可得見。本文擬就詩中亞當與夏娃的性格互動及夫妻關係演變探討兩性性別的辯證,尤其著重於分析夏娃的性格發展與主體之形成。由此觀之,<<失樂園>> 可謂記錄了女性主體的誕生,詩人歌詠的女性美德如謙卑、忍耐及自我犧牲正是解救世人的美德,夏娃不愧為<<舊約>>中上帝所稱許亞當的「好幫手」或「另一半」,男人與女人終能真正變成「同體、同心、同魂」,成就一種互為伴侶的夫妻關係,而非男尊女卑的關係。
關聯: 國立臺灣大學文史哲學報, 50: 199-232
顯示於類別:[英語學系] 期刊論文


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