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題名: 新聞標題之音韻風格研究
Form the Viewpoint of Phonology, We Study -- The News Headline with Rhyming
作者: 張慧美
貢獻者: 國文學系
關鍵詞: 新聞標題;音韻風格
Linguistic style;Phonology;Rhyme;News headline
日期: 2004-12
上傳時間: 2012-05-23T06:10:47Z
出版者: 國立中山大學中國文學系
摘要: 我們可以給「新聞標題」下一個定義:新聞標題就是置於各種媒體所刊(播)的各種體裁News之首的,對所刊(播)News內容進行言簡意賅的概括的獨立於正文之外的語句。 標題,通常是指新聞報導的題目。新聞標題宛如新聞的眼睛、出牆的紅杏當人們在閱讀新聞時,目光首先接觸的就是它,因此在「對視」的那霎那,新聞標題扮演了十分重要的角色,它關係到讀者是否有興趣,有耐心地繼續往下讀。 現代漢語有兩個主要語音特點:元音與聲調,形成了它所特有的區別於其他語言的特徵:聲音悅耳,音調柔和、節奏明朗、韻律協調。由於漢語語言的這種特有的音樂美,因此在撰寫新聞標題時,便可以充分 利用這一個音樂特性,以強化新聞標題的顯著性和感染力。因為報紙雖然是給人看的,但人們看的時候,寶際上是在進行一種默讀,因此讀來是否上口、動聽,也是製作新聞標題時應加以考慮的。如果不講究聲律的和諧,不注意聲調的抑揚變化,標題就會讀起來不順口,給人一種不適的感覺。 本文分別從聯合報、中國時報、自由時報、大成報、大成影劇報、民生報、中央日報、臺灣日報等報中收集了許多新聞標題為語料。茲分一、講究押韻二講求平仄三、應用疊音等三方面依次來舉例與說明。
The present linguistic expression style contains three aspects: phonology, lexicon, and syntax. The article studies 158 News headlines with rhyming from the viewpoint of phonology. After classifying and analyzing these headlines, we find that the low vowel 「a」 with a bigger mouth span, for example the Chinese vowel【ㄞ】【ㄠ】, and the vowels ended with nasals, for example【ㄢ】【ㄣ】【ㄤ】【ㄥ】the two vowels, are most sonorous, and the loudest. For this, they were usually applied to the with thees vowel rhyme. But the high vowels 【i】with a smaller mouth span, the News headlines with【一】vowels, eventually have the totality of 17. From the viewpoint of 「sonority」 and 「sound symbolism theory」, this outcome cannot be explained. In other words, is it associated with the unfolding shape of the mouth? Pronouncing the sound with【一】 will make the mouth unfold and lift naturally, and show the cheerful countenance, maybe that is the reason why there are 17 News headlines ended with【一】 vowel. We can further understand the fact that, besides special rhyme, loudness, fluent, reverberation, long-memory span, the effect of rhyming, it has versatile phonological aspects.
關聯: 文與哲, 5: 513-533
顯示於類別:[國文學系] 期刊論文


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