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題名: 跨越閨閣門檻的情詞─談柳永詞之「不減唐人高處」
Crossing the Doorstep of the Chamber - On Liou Yong's (柳永) ";No Less Than Tang People's High";in His Ci (詞)
作者: 張麗珠
貢獻者: 國文學系
關鍵詞: 《樂章集》;慢詞長調;貴族文學;市井文學;女性代言;形容曲盡;鋪陳直敘
Songs and Chapters;Long and winding lyrics;Upper-class literature;Urban literature;Speaking for women;Discursive description;Long narration
日期: 2001-12
上傳時間: 2012-11-22T06:27:58Z
出版者: 彰化師範大學國文學系
摘要: 柳永(984?~1053?),字耆卿,福建崇安人。他仕途坎坷,景祐元年(1034)約五十歲才中進士,官至屯田員外郎,世稱柳屯田。
Liou Yong (984?-1053?), man of ambition in contradiction to his musical talents and romantic personality, is of a lower-class origin, a Confucian scholar and poet whose biographic data is so lacking that we cannot even be sure of his birth and death dates. Most of his contemporaries looked down upon his mean origin, his“immoral life,”and the style of his ci (詞). But in the long-winding, emotional, but harmonic creation, he helped the ci become a literary movement of his time. Rich, luxurious, and sensual, his ci describes the Northern Song's prosperous urban life and the citizen's luster. He deeply and emotionally mixed the confusion of his own life with the lower-class poet's tragic pain into his endless lifetime travels. Along his diligent writing career, the incredible magnitude of the ci universe was created. This paper begins with the commentators' evaluation, recognizably“common is beauty,”but calls attention to those characteristics rarely seen in traditional poets, i.e., love shared by both sexes, characterization of individual women's images, and that crossing the doorstep of the chamber into the mountains and the rivers to exhibit a landscape of poetic writings about the sensual pains of leaving and separation. From this we hope to understand what's beyond the courtly dances, songs, laughs and plays that is his straightforward but lonely hearts and the poet who is always ready to pack up and leave.
關聯: 國文學誌, 5: 159-186
顯示於類別:[國文學系] 期刊論文


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