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題名: 高中學生閱讀型短文寫作之抽樣分析───以所犯的缺失為主要探討範圍
A Sampling Analysis for the Short Essays Writing Abilities in Reading Types of Senior High School Students-Taking the Defects as the Main Conferring Areas
作者: 林素珍
貢獻者: 國文學系
關鍵詞: 新型作文題;閱讀與寫作;短文寫作;作文教學;高中學生
New Type Composition;Reading and Writing;the Short Essays Writing;Teaching Composition;High School Students
日期: 2009-11
上傳時間: 2013-03-12T03:56:34Z
出版者: 東吳大學中文系
摘要: 閱讀型短文寫作題是結合閱讀與寫作的語文訓練,無論教師的教學或學生的學習都不可忽視此一重要環節。本研究以閱讀型短文寫作所犯的缺失為主要探討範圍,運用分析、歸納、統計等方法,探討北、中、南、東、外島等地區16所高中,34個二年級的班級,共1219名學生在遣詞造句;篇章結構;構思選材;場合應對;錯別字、標點符號、格式等方面所犯的缺失。得知:五個觀察面向以遣詞造句所犯的缺失類型最多。各面向分別以過度口語化、字數不符、添加情節、人稱有誤、音近(或音同)而字誤等,出現缺失的比率較高。以讀、寫合一的角度觀察,之所以產生缺失的原因主要有:1、讀的方面:以審題不精確為主;2、寫的方面:以字詞、文句、布局等訓練不足為主。至於教學建議事項可從以下三個方向著手:1、加強審題能力;2、改正寫作缺失;3、建立作文題庫等。
It trains reading and writing abilities about the the short essays in reading types. It is the most important no matter for the teachers or the students. In this research, it take the defects as the main conferring areas and a sample of words-using and sentences-making, composing structures, occasions, wrongly written characters, formats, punctuations include the north, the middle, the south, the east, external island, etc., 16 senior schools, 34 classes of 2(superscript nd) grade, amounts to 1219 students. And gained the following conclusions: There are many defects about the words-using and sentences-making. On the other hand, over colloquialism, wrong number of words, adding the plots, and wrongly written characters are the defects about the five aspects. The reasons for the defects are (1) about reading: to exame the topic inexactly. (2) about writing: to be short of training about words-using and sentences-making, composing structure. As for the improving suggestion of teaching as follows: (1) to strengthen the student's examining topics abilities. (2) to correct the defects. (3) to establish a new type composition topic establish a new type composition topic database.
關聯: 東吳中文學報, 18: 265-292
顯示於類別:[國文學系] 期刊論文


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