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題名: 心學、理學、史學兼綜之《詩》本義探尋──王應麟《詩經》學試析
The Study on Wang Yinglin's ";Shijing Study"
作者: 胡瀚平;閻耀棕
貢獻者: 國文學系
關鍵詞: 《詩經》;王應麟;三家詩;〈毛詩〉
Wang Ying-lin;Shijing Study;Three Schools of the ";Classic of Poetry";;Mao School
日期: 2012-03
上傳時間: 2013-08-28T07:27:21Z
出版者: 彰化師範大學
摘要: 宋代經學風氣,多務於擺落漢唐舊說,學者一空依傍,習於間出己意,各肆其學思,疑經改經,蔚為風尚。揆諸《詩經》學,則除攻擊漢唐以外,又各有主張,皆言之成理、持之有故,遂至於紛然聚訟。洎至宋末元初之王應麟(1223-1296),字深寧,其學兼綜朱熹、陸九淵、呂祖謙三家,《宋元學案》述其學「和齊斟酌,不名一師」,是其先以呂學下達功夫為基礎,進而持朱學格物以辨證,而終達於陸學之致一,顯然據「下學而上達」為本而訂定其為學之序,此為學之序亦忠實地反映於其《詩經》學上。謹案王應麟《詩經》學專著現存者有《詩地理考》、《詩考》,又有《詩》論見於其《六經天文編》、《困學紀聞》,其於《詩》可謂戮力甚深。復王應麟年逾古稀,其學思歷程當必偕時晉篤,王應麟調和有宋以來諸學派之立場所界定之《詩》本義,及其所運用之調和方法,乃至於所開展《詩經》學之特色及時代意義,皆應為研究宋代《詩經》學者所值得關注之議題。本研究擬試就深寧所界定之《詩》本義,及其所運用之調和方法兩面向,析論深寧之《詩經》學,以求客觀呈現其《詩經》學之全貌。
The trend of academic study in the Song Dynasty mostly aimed to get rid of the cliché brought forth in the Han and Tang Dynasties. Scholars no longer sought to imitate the works of their predecessors, but to carry out their own theories, doubting and re-editing the classics. As for the studies of the "Classic of Poetry", apart from attaching the theories of Han and Tang Dynasties, each and every branch of study had its own argument. In the end, the theories were diverged and disaccorded.Between the mid-1200s to the late-1200s A.D., Wang Yinglin (王應麟,1223-1296)combined the arguments of Zhu Xi (朱熹,1130-1200), Liu Jiuyuan (陸九淵,1139-1193)and Lu Zuqian (呂祖謙,1137-1181) in his studies. "Song-yuan Xue An" describes his studies as "a selected collection of arguments from multiple schools". With the studies of Lu as bases, he advanced to Zhu's studies to build up the method of analysis and demonstration; and he finally reached the state of Liu. He had apparently followed the principle of "starting from the modest and progressing upward" in his process of academic pursuit. This principle is also shown in the study of the "Classic of Poetry". Wang's remaining works which specialized in the "Classic of Poetry" include "Shi Di Li Kao" [literally meaning "a research on the geography of the "Classic of Poetry""], Shi Kao [literally meanng "a research on the "Classic of Poetry""]. His studies of the "Classic of Poetry" can also be found in "Liu Jin Tian Wen Bian" [or "Treaties on Astromony in the Six Classics"] and "Kun Xue Ji Wen" [literally meanng "about the difficulties in learning"]. These indicate that there were great efforts put into the related area.Wang lived till an old age and his academic level has advanced with his age. He gathered and unified different theories defining the essence of the "Classic of Poetry". Close attention must be paid to his method of unification, the characteristics of the study of Classic of Poetry he established, as well as the historical significance of that study. This study aims to observe how Wang defined the essence of the "Classic of Poetry" and his method of unification. By doing this, the researcher wishes to analyze how the "Classic of Poetry" and to see objectively the overall perspective of this area of study.
關聯: 彰師大文學院學報, 5: 37-52
顯示於類別:[國文學系] 期刊論文


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