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题名: 機電整合實務/教育部109年度教學實踐研究計畫-引導式教學法應用於車輛機電整合實務課程之教學實踐研究
作者: 楊介仙
Jieh-Shian Young
贡献者: 車輛科技研究所
关键词: 引導式教學法;機電整合;微處理器;多學習領域;Inductive Pedagogy;Mechatronics;Micro-Control Unit;Multi-Disciplines
日期: 2021
上传时间: 2024-02-29T12:32:07Z
摘要: 近年來車輛產業趨勢急遽變化,由傳統燃油引擎為動力車輛的發展進程,進入複合動力車輛的發展過渡期,並已進入純電動車輛的發展準備期,相信不久的將來,電動車將全面取代現有車輛,甚或自駕車技術發展亦奠基於純電動車之相關技術,凡此種種皆衝擊著車輛領域學生對現今所修習的課程、學習的知識與技術是否足以應付未來車輛產業需求的疑慮。面對車輛新技術發展,車輛教育科目亦產生翻天覆地的遽變,而學生面對此一遽變,莫衷一是,而車輛機電整合實務無論是現今或未來的車輛產業都是不可或缺的技術,其重要性自是不言可喻。然而對傳統車輛教育的學生而言,將面臨學習不同領域之電子、機電整合課程,對該相關課程的學習因產生畏懼而放棄,加諸近年來,學生的學習態度已趨向消極應付與表面學習,以致遇問題即受挫並退縮而導致學習興趣低落及態度消極。本研究將以跨領域學生的學習障礙之教學現場問題為主,並以引導式教學法,引導學生透過技術難度循序漸進地解決實務技術問題,學生可因問題的解決、專案的討論後,建立信心及成就感,進而提升學習興趣,達成學生對車輛機電整合實務技術之深入學習與終身學習的教學目的,進而適應現在生活及面對未來挑戰所應具備的知識、能力與態度。
"The objective of this project is to solve the problems as instructing the vehicle mechatronics course in classroom.
In recent decade, the vehicle engineering technologies are currently developed from conventional mechanical
related technologies to progressive electronic and electrical related technologies. The automotive mechatronics
technology becomes one of the possible main core roles in vehicle industry. The automotive mechatronics
technology bridging the mechanical relative systems and the electronic related systems in a vehicle turns into one
of the essential technologies for the vehicle in the future. Notwithstanding, the related courses of the automotive
mechatronics practical course are scanty in the vehicle engineering education until now. The automotive
mechatronics domain knowledge includes those in the mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, electrical
engineering, computer engineering, etc. The automotive mechatronics courses are cross domain, indeed. The
automotive mechatronics technologies are the gateway to the vehicle technology development from the current
transient status to the future vehicle technologies. Furthermore, the automotive mechatronics technologies will
become more crucial and necessary in the near future. Nowadays, the courses in departments or institutes of
vehicle engineering still give priority to the mechanical related ones. The students in departments or institutes of
vehicle engineering would lose their competitiveness if they do not take the sufficient automotive electronics
related courses or there are not enough such courses for them. In other words, the automotive mechatronics
related courses can keep up with the trend of the future vehicle development. The instructors are, likewise,
responsible in well teaching automotive mechatronics related courses instead of the traditional vehicle, or
mechanical related courses. It is never too late to instruct the trainees or students in learning the knowledge and
to raise their practical experiences of the automotive mechatronics technologies. This project mainly develops the
appropriate pedagogy in teaching technology and practice courses of multi-disciplines for the students from
different disciplines. At present time, the students are neither vigorous nor interested in learning. This project
studies the underlying pedagogy of technologies improvement and practice experience accumulation for the
automotive mechatronics. In addition, the instructors should make course materials interesting and accessible,
make the knowledge transmissions unequivocal and impressive, raise students level to having enough capability
of technique and knowledge of automotive mechatronics technologies, create the authenticity environments for
industry applications, etc. In the automotive mechatronics course, the instructor should induct the students to
learn the mechatronic engineering and technology step by step in proper sequence due to the difficulties of the
course topics. The instructor should also reply the questions and relieve the troubles in classroom from students
promptly. An evaluation of the pedagogy by inductive methods will be proposed to verify the improvements of
students under the adequate reliability and effectiveness."
显示于类别:[本校出版品] 教育部教學實踐研究計畫成果


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