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题名: 運動傷害與急救/教育部111年度教學實踐研究計畫-運動傷害防護課程之實踐與應用
作者: 王信民
Wang, H.M
贡献者: 運動健康研究所
关键词: 學習歷程檔案;素養導向;雙語教育;Academic portfolio;competency;bilingual education
日期: 2023
上传时间: 2024-02-29T14:27:35Z
摘要: 過去的運動傷害課程,多半以教師講授各部位常見的運動傷害,並搭配案例分享,來傳遞運動傷害的知識,然而,這樣的教學模式,學生只是單方面的知識接收者,並未將這些習得的運動傷害防護知識,應用在日常生活裡。另一方面,培養學生用簡單英文表達運動傷害,能幫助學生在出國比賽時,更精確的表述運動傷害,也能替未來健康與體育雙語師資培育做出準備。因此,本研究之研究目的如下:一、透過多元學習方式,提升自身對運動傷害的認知並提出運動傷害預防策略。二、對於各專項之運動傷害,有更深入的了解。三、能以簡單的英文,講述自身的運動傷害。研究結果顯示,運動傷害課程,透過多元學習及建立學習歷程檔案的過程,學生對於運動傷害的全面了解程度,學習前後有著顯著的進步,更了解自身及各專項之運動傷害,並學習到運動傷害的相關英文。而在課程滿意度表現,獲得平均4.93的分數,顯示多元學習及建立學習歷程檔案的方式,能獲得學生的認可及滿意。因此,本研究透過多元學習及建立學習歷程檔案的方式,讓學生從過去運動傷害的經驗歷程中,反思自己對於運動傷害的了解,並配合情境式教學,讓學生願意開口,講述運動傷害相關英文,提升未來持續學習的動機。
In the past, the professors taught the common sports injury with case studies to deliver the knowledgeof sports injuries. However, in this teaching mode, students may not apply the sports injury knowledgeto daily life. Additionally, training students to express sports injury in English can help students expresssports injuries more accurately when they go abroad for competitions, and can prepare for the futuretraining of bilingual teachers in health and sports. Therefore, the purpose of the study were tounderstand the knowledge of sports injury and to provide the prevention strategies via multiple-learning methods, to understand sports injury in various sports, and to express sports injury in simpleEnglish. The results indicated that students had significant improvement on knowledge of sports injuryafter learning throughout multiple-learning and building academic portfolio process. Students couldcomprehensively understand various sports injury and to know common sports injury in English. Forcourse evaluation, the average score was 4.93, indicating that multiple-learning and building academicportfolio process could be recognized and satisfied by students. Hence, throughout multiple-learning and building academic portfolio process, students could learn sports injury from previous injury historyand are willing to talk sports injuries in English to enhance the motivation for the future learning.
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