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題名: 國中英語科教科書性別意識型態之研究
其他題名: A study of the gender ideology of English textbooks in jnior high school
作者: 蘇怡婷
貢獻者: 陳聰文
Tsong Wen Chen
Yi-ting Su
關鍵詞: 國中英語教科書;性別意識型態;內容分析法;性別平等教育
English textbooks in junior high school;gender ideology;content analysis;gender equity education
日期: 2008
上傳時間: 2010-12-03
描述: 碩士
摘要: 學校教科書對於學生在校學習事物扮演了極重要的角色,尤其是其內容蘊涵著性別形象的潛在意識型態,其將會以漸進式的方式,影響著學習者的思考模式及行為實踐。同樣地,國中英語教科書闡述內容的方式與其他科目雷同,皆會形塑學生的性別意識型態,並影響著青少年學子未來的性別角色發展。故本文以國中英語科教科書為檢視對象,分析教科書中文字及圖片所傳達的性別意識是否有所偏差。





School textbooks play an important role in students learning at school; and the contents of the textbooks express gender ideology in an invisible way, especially. It will influence students’ thoughts and behavior. In the same way, the patterns and structures of the expression in the junior high school English textbooks are similar to other subjects. Moreover, they will shape the gender ideology and have the influence on the gender role development of the adolescents in the future.

The purpose of this study are to analyze the content and pictures in the junior high school English textbooks by the content analysis method, and to survey whether they contain gender ideology or not. The first step is to refer to the relevant literature review and to consult the experts for the purpose of building up the analysis items of this research. The analysis items are further used to analyze the pictures, dialogues and reading of the English textbooks in junior high school. In the research, four issues are to be investigated and they are listed as follows:
1. The issue of the sex proportion:
(1) examining the sex proportion of the illustrations and words in the readings and dialogues in textbooks
(2) examining the sex proportion of the occupations in textbooks
(3) examining the sex proportion of the editorial staff in textbooks

2. The issue of the stereotype:
(1) examining the apparent looks in textbooks
(2) examining the personality in textbooks
(3) examining the gender relationship in textbooks
(4) examining the leisure participation in textbooks
(5) examining the role in the family in textbooks

3. The issue of the imbalance:
(1) examining the positive characters in textbooks
(2) examining the negative characters in textbooks

4. The issue of the language bias:
(1) examining the sex discrimination about appellations in textbooks

Based upon the four issues addressing the textbooks in junior high school, the conclusions are drawn as follows:

1. the sex proportion is imbalance.
2. there are sex differences in the occupations, the depiction of the apparent looks and personality, the gender relationship and the leisure participation.
3. the single family pattern is shown in textbooks.
4. the sex discrimination about appellations appears in textbooks

According to the conclusions of the research, some suggestions are made for the publishers, teachers, and curriculum workers.
顯示於類別:[教育研究所] 博碩士論文


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