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題名: 日本大學開放招考身心障礙學生之現況分析與問題探討
作者: 賀夏梅
貢獻者: 特殊教育學系
關鍵詞: 日本;身心障礙學生;個別招生入學考試;Physically handicapped students;Individual university admissions;Japan
日期: 2004-12
上傳時間: 2011-12-02T07:26:48Z
摘要: 本研究旨在探討日本大學開放招考身心障礙學生實施之現況與問題,期待透過本文能讓國人進一步了解日本現行制度的概況。本研究之研究方法為彙整日本全國各大學開放招考身心障礙學生及所實施之入學考試輔助支援狀況的統計數據,加以分析探討其實施之現況與問題,並以分析日本升大學入學考試制度現況的角度,探討問題衍生之所在。本研究依據文獻分析整理發現,目前日本身心障礙學生升大學入學考試受限問題存在之課題,進行探討研究。結論得知已開放招考身心障礙學生並提供入學考試輔助支援之大學,在各障類別中以視覺障礙、聽覺障礙、肢體障礙等障別較為普及,其次為身體病弱障別,然而實施之大學校數卻仍不及全國大學的半數以上。現行日本升大學入學考試制度中,雖在「升大學學科能力測驗」的應考階段提供輔助支援,保障了身心障礙學生公平應考的機會,但在全國各大學實施「個別招生入學考試」制度,且亦無任何約束校方必須招考身心障礙學生的法令規章存在之情形,是歸咎開放招考並提供入學考試輔助支援之全國大學校數比率偏低的主要因素。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual condition and problems facing special aid for university admissions for handicapped students in Japan by showing acceptance rate and special aid statistics for individual university admissions for physically handicapped students in Japan, and, investigating the factor of problems through actual analysis of the system of university entrance examination in Japan. According to the problems which have been indicated by previous studies there exist some problems regarding restriction of university admissions for physically handicapped students. These studies demonstrated the actual condition and the problems related to the preceding issues. As a result, the investigation revealed that the categorization of acceptance rates for physically handicapped students is concentrated on a few categorizations; the visually impaired, the hearing impaired and the physically impaired. Following the preceding categorizations are the physically weak and delicate impaired. However, which respect to the total number of universities that accept physically handicapped students, the total number does not constitute half the total number of universities in Japan. It is assumed that the factor causing such low numbers is attributed to the system by which each university is permitted to perform university admissions individually and the nonexistence of laws to enforce universities to maintain fixed number of physically handicapped students.
關聯: 東臺灣特殊教育學報, 6:207-218
顯示於類別:[特殊教育系所] 期刊論文


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