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題名: 特殊教育評量工具需求之研究
作者: 周台傑;吳訓生
貢獻者: 特殊教育學系
關鍵詞: 特殊教育;評量工具
日期: 1994-06
上傳時間: 2011-12-14T06:22:43Z
摘要: 本研究的目的在於探討特殊教育評量工具的需求狀況,以及特殊教育評量的相關問題。為達此目的,本研究採文獻分析法與問卷調查法,一方面分析測驗工具的基本特性(標準化常模建立的時間、地區,及信度、效度資料),以確定品質合格之測驗的數量;另一方面並徵詢特殊教育工作者(含專家學者及熟悉特殊教育評量事務的中小學老師)對測驗工具之需求狀況及評量特殊兒童相關的意見。在問卷的寄發上,429份問卷中,專家學者的部分寄出72份收回59份,回收率為81.9%;中小學老師的部分寄出357份收回286份,回收率為80.1%。在整理各方面資料後,所得結論如下: 1. 智力測驗方面:品質合格的個別智力測驗為數甚少,團體語文測驗與團體非語文測驗兩類「勉強夠用」。 2. 學科性向與特殊才能性別測驗方面:除創造思考測驗「勉強夠用」外,其餘各類之性向測驗均屬「非常缺乏」,不敷現實使用。 3. 成就測驗方面:可應用在教學評量上的成就測驗數量很少,經常使用者其常模已屬老舊,有必要加以修訂。除了少數幾份國語文與數學成就測驗外,鑑定用之各類科的成就測驗「非常缺乏」。 4. 社會技能╱情緒╱行為量表方面:知覺動作測驗以及適應行為量表兩類「勉強夠用」;多數的人格測驗需修訂或重編;社會技能測驗、注意力測驗、及語言量表均「非常缺乏」。 5. 最急切需要發展的鑑定工具是智力測驗(含個別、團體文字、團體非文字三種)與成就測驗(包括國語文、教學、及綜合三類)。 6. 最急切需要編製的教學評量工具是:個別標準參照學科測驗(包含綜合、國語文、數學三種),團體標準參照綜合學科測驗、社會技能測驗,以及適應行為量表。 7. 有38.9%的專家學者認為需要為生理障礙者另編鑑定工具,另外的61.1%認為透過施測程序之調整、將測驗改編為特殊形式(如點字、大字體)、或加上特殊群體常模等程序即可解決生理障礙者之施測不便的問題,沒有必要另編鑑定工具。 8. 特殊教育評量所面臨最迫切需要解決的問題是:評量工具不足、評量工具缺乏管理辦法、及評量人員專業訓練不足。其可能的解決方式是,成立專責機構或委由學術及相關單位一起編訂測驗;所編製完成之工具,保密性高的(如智力、成就測驗)由各師範院校之特教中心保管,其餘由各縣市「鑑輔會」或各使用學校管理;評量人員的訓練可由各師範院校特教中心就其輔導區逐年選訓人才。 9. 解決評量工具推廣管道不暢通的問題,可由教育部(廳)委託相關單位定期評鑑測驗工具,並將評鑑結果提供給使用單位參考。
This study investigated the needs of assessment tools in special education area. The methods used in present study included the literature reviewing and the queationnairs survering. The The conclusions drawn form the study are as follow: 1. The amount of tests, including the individual intelligence test, academic aptitude test, talented aptitude test, achievement test, and social skills test, is insufficient. 2. The amount of tests, including the creative test, the perceptual-motor test, and adaptive behavior scale, is barely enough. 3. Assessment tools urgently needed to be developed for the identification purpose take in the intellectual test, including individual test and group test, and achievement test, including written langrage test, mathematics test, and multiple-skill test. 4. Assessment tools urgently needed to be developed for the instructional planning purpose cotain (1)individually administed criterion-regerenced academic test, including multiple-skill bettery, written langrage, and mathematics; (2)group administed criterion-referenced multiple-skill test; (3)social skill test; and (4)adaptive behavior scale. 5. To resolve the problem that tests are often hard to employ for sensory and physical handicaps, the feacible approaches approved by many of the experts (61.1%) involve altering the administered procedure, transforming the testing form (e.g Braille), and developing the extraordinary norm. 6. Lacking in tools, short on menaging means about the tools, and inadeguate for trained professionals are the pressing and urgent problems now, and the correspondent resoluations are: (1)to set up a special comuittee or to assign academic organizations to develop tests; (2)to assign Special Eduication Centers to manage sensitive tests such as intelligence tests and achievement teste and to assign Special Children Placement and Guidance Committee to mange other teste; (3)assessing experts could be selected and trained by Special Education Center year by year.
關聯: 特殊教育學報, 9:77-109
顯示於類別:[特殊教育系所] 期刊論文


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