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題名: 國小數學學習障礙學生計算錯誤類型分析之研究
作者: 周台傑;陳麗玲
貢獻者: 特殊教育學系
關鍵詞: 國小;數學學習障礙學生;計算錯誤類型
日期: 1995-06
上傳時間: 2011-12-14T06:35:39Z
摘要: 本研究的主要目的,在探討數學學習障礙學生和普通學生在數學計算錯誤類型差異情形。研究對象為中部地區三至六年級數學學習障礙學生與普通學生各223名。所得資料經統計分析如下:一、 三至六年級數學學習障礙學生的出現率大致而言,隨著年級上升,學習障礙學生的出現率有率高的趨勢。二、 三至六年級數學學習障礙學生計算錯誤高於普通學生。三、 數學學習障礙學生在乘法計算時基本概念不清楚,無法將乘式與累加的式子相聯結。四、 在除法計算中,商含有零的題目,數學學習障礙學生容易將商的零省略,導致計算錯誤。五、 整數四則混合計算,普通學生與數學學習障礙學生對運算的順序感到困難。所犯的錯誤為按由左至右的方式計算,忽略計算的原則應為先乘除後加減。六、 在小數的乘法計算,數學學習障礙學生較普通學生在計算小數位數上發生錯誤。七、 普通組學生學習分數的乘法優於分數的加減;數學學習障礙學生則是分數的加法較優,分數的乘法與減法就差不多。數學學習障礙學生在異分母分數的加法答對率優於異分母分數的減法,而普通組學生異分母分數的減法答對的比率高於異分母分數的加法答對率。無論是分數的加法、減法和乘法的計算,數學學習障礙學生犯錯誤率高於普通學生。八、 分數的減法中,數學學習障礙學生常犯的錯誤類型為忽略借位後,整數部分需要重組。在帶分數乘以整數的分數乘法中,數學學習障礙學生只做整數部分的相乘忽略分數部分。在帶分數乘以真分數乘法上,數學學習障礙學生常犯的錯誤類型為分子與分子相乘,分母與分母相乘,忽略整數部分。九、 數學學習障礙學生較普通學生在分數和小數的四則混合計算中答對率低。而數學學習障礙學生常犯的錯誤為:運算符號的替代、分數乘法的錯誤和計算順序的錯誤。十、 六年級在求某數的分數計算中,普通學生答對率高於數學學習障礙學生。數學學習障礙學生計算的錯誤是由於逆算錯誤所造成的。
The purpose of this study was to investigate between mathematics learning-disabled students and normal students. The group testing were administered to 223 students who were sampled from 3th of 6th grades in central region of Taiwan. Statistical method was used to analyqe the collected data and results obtained show that: 1. In general, the percentage of mathematics learning-disabled students from 3th to 6th grades increased as the gender increased. 2. The number of computational errors of mathematics learning-disabled students from 3th to 6th grades are more than that of normal students. 3. The multiple concept of mathemcatics learning-disabled students not good, who can't relate with. 4. Mathematics learning-disabled students tend to omit the zero in the quotient during division facts which lead to computational errors. 5. Normal students and mathematics learning-disabled students feel difficult about algorithms procedure in computation process. 6. The number of errors in decimal place of mathematics students are more than that of normal students. 7. Normal student performance in multiplication of fractions in superior to that in addition and subtraction of fractions. Mathematics learning disabled students performance in addition of fraction is superior to that in multiplication and subtraction of fractions. The error percentage of mathematics learning disabled students in addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions is higher than that of normal students. 8. The common error pattern of mathematics learning-disabled students in omits arrangement of the whole number after borrowing. 9. The percentage of correct answer of mathematics learning-disabled students in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fraction and decimal is lower than that of normal students. Mathematics learning disabled students perform an operation other than the appropriate one. 10. The percentage of correct answer of normal students in fraction computation of unknown number is higher than that of mathematics learning disabled students. The computational error of mathematics learning disabled students is due to opposite computational error.
關聯: 特殊教育學報, 10:125-172
顯示於類別:[特殊教育系所] 期刊論文


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