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題名: 國小閱讀障礙學生閱讀理解方式之長期追蹤研究
作者: 周台傑
貢獻者: 特殊教育學系
關鍵詞: 國小學生;閱讀障礙;閱讀理解策略;縱貫性研究;Elementary school student;Reading disability;Reading comprehension strategy;Longitudinal study
日期: 1999-08
上傳時間: 2011-12-20T06:53:29Z
摘要: 本研究旨在探討不同閱讀能力學生在不同文體(故事、說明)及不同年級(二、三、四)難度材料之閱讀理解方式。研究對象為台中市僑孝國小四年級學生,其中包括三名高閱讀能力學生及三名閱讀障礙學生,以研究者自編之克漏字測驗為工具,蒐集學生之閱讀理解得分及漏列詞填答理由晤談資料,進行量與質性資料分析,所得之研究結果如下:(1)全體學生在故事體與說明體間的閱讀理解表現,並無顯著差異。(2)全體學生在二、三、四年級難度文章間的閱讀理解表現,並無顯著差異。(3)不論是在不同年級難度文章中及不同文體中,高閱讀能力學生的閱讀理解表現皆優於閱讀障礙學生。(4)不同能力的學生在閱讀時,使用的閱讀理解方式並不一致,高閱讀能力學生所使用的理解方式類別,較多利用前後文線索和上下詞意;而閱讀障礙學生使用較多的類別則是文意合理化和上下關鍵字。
The purposes of this study were to understand the reading comprehension strategies of students with good reading abilities and students with reading disabilities, and to compare the differences between these two groups of students on reading comprehension strategies used. The subjects were six fourth grade students at Taichung Municipal Chyaushiaw Elementary School, including three students with good reading abilities and three students with reading disabilities. The quantitative data collected during the individual readings of different literary styles (narrative and expository text) and different grade reading levels (second, third, and fourth grade) in Cloze procedures were analyzed by using mixed-effects ANOVA model. The qualitative data collected during the individual interview were analyzed by using modified analysis and constant comparative analysis. The results were summarized as follows: (1) There was no significant difference between the scores of the narrative and expository text on readings of different literary styles. (2) There was no significant difference among the scores of the second, third, and fourth grade reading levels on readings of different grade reading levels. (3) The reading comprehension abilities of students with good reading abilities were better than the students with reading disabilities both on the different literary styles and different grade reading levels.
關聯: 計畫編號:NSC89-2413-H018-007; 研究期間:199908-200007
顯示於類別:[特殊教育系所] 國科會計畫


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